[Umbrella Chronicles] 각 시나리오 등장 조건 및 파일 목록
H.O.F/Bio Hazard 2009. 12. 26. 10:12 |첫번째 이야기
< 황도 특급 사건 > Train Derailment
1998년 7월, 국제 제약 기업 엄브렐러의 영향력이 강한 미국 중서부 라쿤시.
교외의 밀림에서는 수수께끼의 살해 사건이 다발하고 있었다. 그 사건의 조사를 S.T.A.R.S.(라쿤 시경 특수 부대) 부라보 팀이 파견되지만, 탑승한 헬리콥터가 엔진 트러블을 일으켜 밀림에 불시착 하고 만다. 브라보 팀은 주변 상황을 확인하기 위해 주변 탐색을 개시하고, 파괴된 죄인 호송 차량을 발견한다.
신입 대원인 레베카는 단신으로 정지한 열차에 도착한다. 차량에는 "황도 특급 열차" 라는 이름이 쓰여 있었다.
발생일시 : 1998년 7월
관련 시나리오 : 바이오 하자드 0 (2002, GameCube)
황도 특급 사건 Main Chapter 01
발생조건 : 초기 시나리오
획득 파일(8 files)
- 엄브렐러 창설에 관해서
- 이송 지시서
- 레베카 챔버스
- 빌리 코엔
- 황도 특급
- 라쿤 포레스트
- 스팅거
- 거머리
황도 특급 사건 Main Chapter 02
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(6 files)
- 빌리의 과거에 대해서
- 제임스 마커스
- 의태형 마커스
- 엘리미네이터
- 박쥐
- 감염된 박쥐
황도 특급 사건 Main Chapter 03
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 여왕 거머리
- 바이오 하자드 0 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 0 다이제스트 2
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "발단" Chapter 01
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 거머리 육성 기록
- 윌리엄 버킨
- 양성소 재이용 계획
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "발단" Chapter 02
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "발단" Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 간부 후보 사원의 마음가짐
- 마커스 일지 1
- 좀비
두번째 이야기
< 저택(양관) 사건 > Mansion Incident
1998년 7월 S.T.A.R.S 알파팀은 소식이 끊긴 브라보 팀을 구조 하기 위해 출동한다. 밀림에 불시착한 헬리콥터를 발견 하지만, 파일럿의 사체 이외에는 아무도 발견되지 않았다.
조사를 계속하던 알파 팀 앞에 돌연 괴물 개들의 무리가 습격해 온다. 동료들을 잃어가며 도착한 것은 정적에 휩싸여 있는 저택. 중후하고 수많은 비밀을 숨기고 있는 건축물. 그 곳은 악한 의사가 소용돌이치고.. 죽은 자가 되살아나는 공포의 저택이었다.
발생일시 : 1998년 7월
관련 시나리오 : 바이오 하자드 (1996, Playstation)
저택(양관) 사건 Main Chapter 01
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(9 files)
- 사육계의 일지
- 질 발렌타인
- 크리스 레드필드
- 케네스 J 설리반
- 포레스트 스파이어
- S.T.A.R.S
- 양관 "아크레이 연구소"
- 켈베로스
- 크림즌 헤드
저택(양관) 사건 Main Chapter 02
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(7 files)
- 헌터
- 넵튠
- 워스프
- 아다
- 웹 스피너
- 블랙 타이거
- 플랜트 42
저택(양관) 사건 Main Chapter 03
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(9 files)
- 웨스커즈 리포트 "타일런트 계획의 문제"
- 보안 부장의 메일
- 어느 연구원의 편지 (일부 발췌)
- 키메라
- 타일런트 (T-002)
- B.O.W
- 바이오 하자드 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 다이제스트 2
- 브래드 빅커즈
레베카 비밀 이야기 "악몽" Chapter 01
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 리처드 에이켄
- 에드워드 듀이
- 크로우
레베카 비밀 이야기 "악몽" Chapter 02
발생조건 : 레베카 비밀 이야기 "악몽" Chap 01 Rank A 나 S 로 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 엔리코 마리니
- 세르게이 우라지미르에게 보내는 서신
- 욘
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chapter 01
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 바이러스 메모
- 누군가가 남긴 수기
- 누군가에게 보낸 편지
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chapter 02
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 어느 가족의 사진
- 트레버 일가
- 리사 트레버
세번째 이야기
< 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 > Raccoon's Destruction
1998년 9월, 라쿤 시에 사람을 먹는 병이라는 기병이 집단으로 발생, 도시 기능이 완전히 붕괴되고 만다. 병의 확산을 막을 수조차 없었기에, 서서히 도시는 죽음과 좀비로 물들어 갔다.
엄브렐러는 특수부대를 생존자 구출을 위해 파견한다. 정부는 도시를 완전히 격리하고 사태를 지켜보기로 한다.
엄브렐러를 쫓아 질은 라쿤 시내에 남게 된다. 파멸은 계속해서 다가오고 있었다. 죽음의 그림자는 이미 그녀의 곁에 스며들어와 있었다.
발생일시 : 1998년 9월
관련 시나리오 : 바이오 하자드 3 (1999, Playstation)
라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Main Chapter 01
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(6 files)
- 질의 일기
- 카를로스 올리베이라
- U.B.C.S
- 라쿤시티
- 신문 기자의 수첩
- 컨테이너에 남겨진 유언
라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Main Chapter 02
발생조건 : 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(5 files)
- 그레이브 디거
- 리커
- 이비
- 라지 로치
- 감시원
라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Main Chapter 03
발생조건 : 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(9 files)
- 작전 본부로부터의 FAX
- 네메시스 T형 (추적자)
- 바이오 하자드 3 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 3 다이제스트 2
- 베리 배튼
- 작전 보고서 (발췌)
- 라쿤 시경
- 서장 앞으로 온 메일
- 브라이언 아이언즈
에이다 비밀 이야기 "빈사" Chapter 01
발생조건 : 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Chap 03 Rank A 나 S 로 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 에이다 웡
- 바이오 하자드 2 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 2 다이제스트 2
- G
행크 비밀 이야기 "The 4th Survivor" Chapter 01
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 행크
- 엄브렐러 특수 공작 부대
- 서장의 수기
네번째 이야기
< 엄브렐러 종언 > Umbella's End
라쿤 붕괴의 책임을 추궁 당해, 엄브렐러 주가는 폭락. 그러나 그들은 발버둥 쳤다.
일련의 책임을 정부로 돌리고, 돈으로 변호단을 사서 재판의 장기화를 노린다....운 좋게도 중요한 증거는 미사일이 전부 없애 주었다.
2003년 엄브렐러 러시아 지부는 새로운 B.O.W (생물 병기) 개발을 행하고 있었다. 그 활동을 세계의 분쟁 지역으로 넓힐 발판이다. 크리스와 질은 현지의 대 바이오 하자드 부대와 함께 악몽의 제조 공장을 탐지해내고 무모히 뛰어들었다. 그들은 아직 모른다. 최강의 신형 B.O.W. 테이로스의 실력을...
발생일시 : 2003년 2월
관련 시나리오 : 없음 - 새로운 시나리오
엄브렐러 종언 Main Chapter 01
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 엄브렐러 러시아 지부
- 엄브렐러, 라쿤 재판
- 테이로스 계획
- 멸균 작전
엄브렐러 종언 Main Chapter 02
발생조건 : 엄브렐러 종언 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 모의 전투 데이터
- 합동 라쿤 시경 장례식에서 연인이 읽은 리처드의 편지
- 레온 S 케네디
- 긴급 징집령
엄브렐러 종언 Main Chapter 03
발생조건 : 엄브렐러 종언 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 테이로스
- 세르게이 우라지미르
- Red Queen
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chapter 01
발생조건 : 엄브렐러 종언 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 알버트 웨스커
- 이완
- U.M.F - 013
- 웨스커즈 리포트 '그녀'
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chapter 02
- 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chap 01 클리어
- 에이다 웡 비밀 이야기 "빈사" Chapter 01 클리어
획득 파일(5 files)
- 세르게이가 니콜라이에게 보낸 서신
- 변형에 관한 특이성 웨스커의 수기
- 세르게이 몬스터
- Net 인터뷰 대 엄브렐러 활동가
- 오즈웰 E 스펜서
파일 획득 위치(영문)
A. 황도 특급 사건 - Train Derailment
Chapter 01
1. In the dining room, in a chair,
throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
2. In the dining room,
shoot the light bulb as you turn around to fight the leeches.
3. Shoot the light above the dogs the first time you face them,
it holds a file.
4. After killing the dogs and a zombie, once your near the stairs,
break open the shelf to your left. It holds a file.
5. Shoot the small light above the door before you enter.
6. In the pile of boxes blocking the door before
the QTE moment with the Stinger claw.
7. After running in the room from the leech man,
your character will look to his or her left.
The file is hidden above the green herb, top left.
Throw a grenade to make sure you don't miss it.
8. In the chair on the right while fighting the Stinger.
8 Files : *Memo on the Founding of Umbrella, Court order for transportation, Rebecca Chambers profile, Billly Coen profile,
cliptic Express notes, Raccoon Forest notes, Stinger notes, Leech notes*
Chapter 02
1. In the sewer like area near the beginning of the chapter.
When you turn around before heading up the ladder to fight zombies.
The file is in a light bulb on the left.
2. In one of the candles as you climb up the ladder,
near the double doors *with the armor* on the right.
3. As you look at the James Marcus portrait,
you will see two statues on the left and right on the top.
Break open the one on the right to obtain the file.
4. In the small lamp on the desk after entering the double doors
5. In small hallway when a leech man rushes you.
shoot the small bust behind him to obtain a file.
6. In a desk in the room with the small elevator.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
6 Files : *Memo about Billy's Past, James Marcus Profile, Mimicry Marcus Notes, Eliminator Notes,
Bat Notes, Infected Bat Notes*
Chapter 03
1. As soon as the chapter starts and a crawling zombie appears.
quickly shoot the large light on the right to obtain the file.
2. When your finished riding the large elevator (from RE2) zombies appear.
Shoot the light above(not the green light) to obtain a file.
3. After dropping the Queen Leech's first form,
when you enter the room with the elevator.
On your left will be boxes, the file is hidden in one of those.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
3 Files : *Queen Leech Notes, 0 Digest 1, 0 Digest 2*
A-1. 발단 - Beginnings
Chapter 01
1. In the cones near the train cart.
2. In the room with computer (when Wesker reconnects the power),
its in one of the computers.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
3. After reconnecting the power and riding up the elevator again.
When Wesker encounters zombies,
he runs to the other side and turns around to face them.
The file is in one of the lights high up on the left side.
3 Files : *Leech Growth Records, William Birkin Profile, Reclamation Project Notes*
Chapter 02
1. As soon as you start the chapter and kill some enemies.
Wesker begins to walk toward the double doors,
shoot the last light left for a file.
If you don't do it in time, he turns around and fights Eliminators.
When he is finished backing up,
quickly shoot the light( it will be on your right this time).
2. In the light above the door you enter outside.
3. In the sewer like area,
before the Ivan fight and before the zombie.
Shoot the light at the back for a file.
3 Files : *Regulations for the Trainees, Marcus's Diary 1, Zombie Notes*
B. 저택(양관) 사건 - Mansion Incident
Chapter 01
1. As you enter the dining room,
you'll see a vase on a counter.
The vase contains a first aid spray,
while the counter contains a file.
Throw a grenade just in case, the camera turns quickly.
2. In a vase on a table as you exit the dining room.
3. In the room with a lot of pictures.
The file is behind the picture next to the door,
with a light directly over it.
4. Behind the large painting,
before the QTE moment with a cerberus.
5. In one of the armor in the armor room on the left.
Throw a grenade just in case.
6. After leaving the armor room, dogs attack.
Shoot the counter on the right of them for a file
7. After killing Forest, dogs attack.
Shoot the lone light above them for a file.
8. After getting #7, you burst through a door and
a crow attacks.
Quickly shoot the vase on the right for a file.
9. This one is tricky. Before the Yawn fight,
you'll hear someone scream " Noooo!".
As you turn the corner you'll see two small figures
on the wall.
Quickly shoot the second one for the final file.
9 Files : *Keeper's Diary, Jill Valentine Profile, Chris Redfield Profile, Kenneth J. Sullivan Profile, Forest Speyer Profile,
S.T.A.R.S. Notes, Arklay Research Facility "Mansion" Notes, Cerberus Notes, Crimson Head Notes*
Chapter 02
*Note: this chapter requires two playthroughs*
1. After killing the dogs and entering the gate.
You'll see a light in the distance. shoot it to obtain a file.
2. In one of the Urns in front of the cave,
the one on the left.
Shoot it to obtain a file
3. After getting #2, you'll see two crow statues in the back.
Break open the one on the right to obtain a file.
4. After taking the right path in the caves.
When you turn the corner,
shoot the light bulb on the left to obtain a file.
Its basically above the small area with the typewriter
and some weapons.
5. When following the left path and entering the residence.
As soon as you turn the corner,
shoot the light above you to obtain a file.
6. As soon as you obtain #6 and reach the double doors.
As the door opens throw a grenade.
After killing the spiders, you'll turn around and see a file.
Its true location is in the coat rack.
7. As you reach the room with the ladder to go down.
After killing the surprise zombie and entering the room.
Shoot the lamp for a file. Or you can just throw a grenade.
7 Files : *Hunter Notes, Neptune Notes, Wasp Notes, Adder Notes, Plant 42 Notes, Web Spinner Notes, Black Tiger Notes*
Chapter 03
1. As you climb down the ladder and face two zombies.
Shoot the light above them to obtain a file.
2. As you enter the double doors after obtaining #1.
Break open the wooden crate in front of you for a file.
I believe you can get this file while returning to the elevator as well.
3. As you continue you will have a chance to use the move command.
Don't do it, you will instead continue down the hall.
As you near the corner throw a grenade.
You will find the file and a couple of other goodies.
4. In the computer in the room where you restart the power.
Blast it apart.
5. After turning on the power and your near the doors
to go back to the T-shaped hallway.
Quickly shoot the light above the door for a file.
6. Before entering the lab shoot the light above to obtain a file.
7. As you enter the lab you will see the side of a monitor on your right.
Shoot it to get a file.
I believe you can also get this as your leaving the lab as well.
8. As your heading back to the elevator to escape.
You will fight some chimeras and zombies in the tunnel.
Shoot the light below to obtain a file.
Hard to miss, it's the only light in the tunnel.
9. As you enter the hallway to the elevator going to the helipad.
Two hunters appear to attack, shoot the light above them for a file.
9 Files : * Wesker Report Extract on the Tyrant Plan, Mail to the chief of Security, Researcher's Letter, Chimera Notes,
Tyrant (T-002) Notes, B.O.W. Notes, Digest 1, Digest 2, Brand Vickers Profile*
B-1. 악몽 - Nightmare
Chapter 01
1. After leaving the room and killing the enemies.
Shoot the pile of stuff straight ahead for a file
2. When you are about to climb up the ladder from
the caves, shoot the light on the left for a file
3. As your walking towards the small elevator,
shoot the urns on the left side.
One of them contains a file.
3 Files : *Richard Aiken Profile, Edward Dewey Profile, Crow Notes*
Chapter 02
1. After entering the double doors after killing the hunters.
As you turn the corner shoot large picture on the left for a file
2. After Rebecca and Richard check the front doors for escape,
they turn around to face some bees and hunters.
Shoot the small picture on the right side for a file
3. When you're about to enter the double doors for the Yawn fight.
Shoot the picture straight ahead for the final file.
3 Files : *Enrico Marini Profile, Sealed Letter to Sergei Vladimir, Yawn Notes*
B-2. 전생 - Rebirth
Chapter 01
1. At the very start of the chapter.
Shoot the monitors in front of you, the right most one.
2. When the game give you a choice on whether
to go left or right, go left.
As you turn the corner enemies will attack,
throw a grenade to clean them out.
The file is in one of the lights,
if you threw the grenade in the right place,
it should appear.
If not, its in the light right next to the Assault Shotgun ammo.
On the right side.
3. In the same place as #2 in Mansion Incident 3.
However the crate quite hard to hit since Wesker runs fast towards the door.
Throw a grenade to make sure you don't miss it.
3 Files : *Virus Memo, Someone's Journal, A Letter to Someone*
Chapter 02
1. After fending off Lisa and exiting the armor room.
As you turn the corner a hunter attacks.
Quickly break open the desk to your right for a file.
2. After the checkpoint,
you'll enter a hallway where two hunters attack.
Shoot the large picture in the middle of the room for a file
3. In the picture room,
shoot the small picture next to the double doors on the right.
Has a light directly over it.
Or you can just throw a grenade to make sure you don't miss it.
3 Files : *Family Picture, Trevor Family Notes, Lisa Trevor Profile*
C. 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 - Raccoon's Destruction
Chapter 01
1. After you exit through the double doors, you face 3 zombies.
When you kill them, another three zombies show up.
Shoot the cones beneath their feet for a file,
can't miss it.
2. When you're in the area where the crows are perched on a tractor.
As you walk on the small bridge shoot the box in front of you next
to the door. It contains a file.
3.When the game gives you a choice on whether to move right or left, go left.
After climbing the ladder and running around the side of a car.
Shoot the car until it explodes, you'll kill the zombies and expose a file.
4. As you head down the area with the stairs.
When you near the 4th flight of stairs,
shoot the light beside the door for a file.
*Note: a there is a green herb and a hunter attacks you on this floor.*
5. On the bottom floor in the area with the stairs.
Shoot the fire extinguisher before you turn the corner,
it contains a file.
6. In the small pathway where many zombies attack.
As you head on side of a large truck, shoot the boxes on your right.
You'll obtain a file.
6 Files : *Jill's Dairy, Carlos Oliveira Profile, U.B.C.S. Notes, Raccoon City Notes, Reporter's Memo, Dario's Memo*
Chapter 02
1. In the light above the bathroom door you enter.
2. Break open the stall in the bathroom.
*Note: you can only break it open when the zombies appear from the stall*
3. When the roaches first appear, shoot the light above them for a file.
4. When two lickers appear down the hall,
you will have the option to enter the locker room.
Do it, when you turn the corner to face the zombies.
Shoot the objects on the bench for a file.
5. As you enter the area with the large stairs and roaches.
Shoot the small light in the corner of the room,
it contains a file.
5 Files : *Grave Digger Notes, Licker Notes, Ivy Notes, Large Roach Notes, Monitor Notes*
Chapter 03
1.In the small pot (with a plant) near the beginning of the chapter,
in the corner of the hallway before the first Nemesis appearance.
2. In the small light next to where you obtain a first aid spray.
3. When you're walking towards the stairs to the basement.
Shoot the desk with a statue on top for a file
4. In the light near the ground before entering the parking lot.
5. When you're entering the parking lot shoot the car in front of you.
When you near the car and turn to fight the dogs,
it will appear on your right.
6. In the large lamp in front of the R.P.D. building.
7. In the main hall, in the computer while fighting hunters.
8. After taking down Nemesis's Rocket Launcher and entering the room.
Shoot down the paper at the top of the wall, it contains a file.
9. In the green exit sign above the door leading to the boss fight.
9 Files : *Fax from the HQ, Nemesis T-Type (Pursuer) Notes, 3 Digest 1, 3 Digest 2,
Barry Burton Profile, Operation Report, R.P.D Notes, Mail to the Chief, Brian Irons Profile*
C-1. 빈사 - Death's Door
1. Shoot the small sign in front of the hotel for a file, on the right.
2. Behind the painting as you're entering the hotel.
Has a light directly over it.
3. In the green exit sign above the door and the first aid spray.
4. Before heading up the small ramp to the boss fight.
Quickly shoot open the small two barrels in the back.
If you can't do it in time,
you can still shoot them during the boss fight to get the file.
4 Files : *Ada Wong Profile, 2 Digest 1, Bio Hazard2 Digest 2, G Notes*
C-2. The 4th Survivor
1. After killing all the dogs, Hunk quickly turn around.
Quickly shoot the red exit sign above the door for a file.
2. Break open the desk under the green herb for a file.
3. The final file is located in a trash can beside the doors in the office.
Since many zombies are blocking it, I suggest throwing a grenade to get it
3 Files : *HUNK profile, Umbrella Special Forces, Chief's Diary*
D. 엄브렐러 종언 - Umbrella's End
Chapter 01
1. After killing some zombies and going up the stairs. Dogs appear,
shoot the small light above them for a file.
2. When the game gives you a choice whether to secure the stairs or go below.
Go belo, when you come to a pile of boxes with a green herb.
Break open the boxes for a file,
your character stares at the boxes for quite a while. Can't miss it.
3. When you are walking towards the stairs to the exit,
quickly shoot the boxes in the little space on the left.
They contain a file.
4. When Jill and Chris move because of becoming surrounded.
Shoot the two large wooden boxes. One of them contains a file
4 Files : *Umbrella Russian Branch Notes, Umbrella Raccoon City Judgement, Talos Project Proposal, Eradication Operation Notes*
Chapter 02
1. After leaving the decontamination room and entering the hallway.
Throw a grenade down the hall,
a file will appear.
The file's exact location is in the security camera.
On the top right of the Umbrella symbol on the floor.
2. You can't miss this one.
It appears when the lickers burst through the vents a second time.
3. In the water tank, choose to go right.
Once you enter the door quickly shoot the computer
monitors on your right.
One of them contains a file, they are quite hard to hit so I recommend a grenade throw.
4. In the small camera on the top left of the door after
leaving the laser room.
4 Files : *Simulated Battle Data, Richard Aiken's Letter, Leon S. Kennedy Profile, Emergency Orders*
Chapter 03
1. In a small computer in the computer room.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
2. In the exploding barrel when a crimson head attacks.
*Note: The barrels don't exactly look like barrles. They are colored white.*
3. When you get to the maze like area follow this:
left, right, one way, right, one way, one way.
When you get to the weapon room,
the file is located in a small black box on the right
side of the room.
Or throw a grenade.
3 Files : *T-A.L.O.S. Notes, Sergei Vladimir Profile, Red Queen Notes*
D-1. 어둠을 계승하는 자 - Dark Legacy
Chapter 01
1. After killing the lickers,
Wesker turn around to face zombies.
Shoot down the chandelier in the back to reveal a file.
2. When you're fighting the bats.
Break open the bench in the back.
You can also get it when fighting the spiders.
3. As soon as the train starts.
Shoot the light on the right side for a file.
4. Shoot the small light giving off a red tint for a file.
Or just throw a grenade to get both 3 and 4.
4 Files : *Wesker Report Extract on "Her", Albert Wesker Profile, Ivan Notes, U.M.F.-013 Notes*
Chapter 02
1. As you enter the computer room,
shoot the monitors right in front of you for a file.
2. When Wesker turns left in the computer room.
Shoot the monitors on the left side for a file.
Or just throw a grenade.
3. As Wesker walks up the stairs.
Shoot the barrels on the small platform in the middle of the room for a file.
4. As soon as the checkpoint ends. Shoot the barrels down
below for a file.
You can also get it while fighting the lickers on the wall
5. When you enter the maze like area follow this:
forward, forward, left, forward, left.
When you enter the weapon room,
shoot the small box on the right end of the wall.
It reveals a file and a anti-tank gun
5 Files : *Letter from Sergei to Nicholai, Wesker's Notes on Differing Mutations, Sergei Monster Notes,
Online Interview with Anti-Umbrella Activist, Ozwell E. Spencer Profile*
1998년 7월, 국제 제약 기업 엄브렐러의 영향력이 강한 미국 중서부 라쿤시.
교외의 밀림에서는 수수께끼의 살해 사건이 다발하고 있었다. 그 사건의 조사를 S.T.A.R.S.(라쿤 시경 특수 부대) 부라보 팀이 파견되지만, 탑승한 헬리콥터가 엔진 트러블을 일으켜 밀림에 불시착 하고 만다. 브라보 팀은 주변 상황을 확인하기 위해 주변 탐색을 개시하고, 파괴된 죄인 호송 차량을 발견한다.
신입 대원인 레베카는 단신으로 정지한 열차에 도착한다. 차량에는 "황도 특급 열차" 라는 이름이 쓰여 있었다.
발생일시 : 1998년 7월
관련 시나리오 : 바이오 하자드 0 (2002, GameCube)
< 레베카 챔버스(Rebecca Chambers) / 빌리 코엔(Billy Coen) >
발생조건 : 초기 시나리오
획득 파일(8 files)
- 엄브렐러 창설에 관해서
- 이송 지시서
- 레베카 챔버스
- 빌리 코엔
- 황도 특급
- 라쿤 포레스트
- 스팅거
- 거머리
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(6 files)
- 빌리의 과거에 대해서
- 제임스 마커스
- 의태형 마커스
- 엘리미네이터
- 박쥐
- 감염된 박쥐
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 여왕 거머리
- 바이오 하자드 0 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 0 다이제스트 2
< 알버트 웨스커(Albert Wesker) >
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 거머리 육성 기록
- 윌리엄 버킨
- 양성소 재이용 계획
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "발단" Chapter 02
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "발단" Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 간부 후보 사원의 마음가짐
- 마커스 일지 1
- 좀비
두번째 이야기
1998년 7월 S.T.A.R.S 알파팀은 소식이 끊긴 브라보 팀을 구조 하기 위해 출동한다. 밀림에 불시착한 헬리콥터를 발견 하지만, 파일럿의 사체 이외에는 아무도 발견되지 않았다.
조사를 계속하던 알파 팀 앞에 돌연 괴물 개들의 무리가 습격해 온다. 동료들을 잃어가며 도착한 것은 정적에 휩싸여 있는 저택. 중후하고 수많은 비밀을 숨기고 있는 건축물. 그 곳은 악한 의사가 소용돌이치고.. 죽은 자가 되살아나는 공포의 저택이었다.
발생일시 : 1998년 7월
관련 시나리오 : 바이오 하자드 (1996, Playstation)
< 크리스 레드필드(Chris Redfield) / 질 발렌타인(Jill Valentine) >
발생조건 : 황도 특급 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(9 files)
- 사육계의 일지
- 질 발렌타인
- 크리스 레드필드
- 케네스 J 설리반
- 포레스트 스파이어
- S.T.A.R.S
- 양관 "아크레이 연구소"
- 켈베로스
- 크림즌 헤드
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(7 files)
- 헌터
- 넵튠
- 워스프
- 아다
- 웹 스피너
- 블랙 타이거
- 플랜트 42
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(9 files)
- 웨스커즈 리포트 "타일런트 계획의 문제"
- 보안 부장의 메일
- 어느 연구원의 편지 (일부 발췌)
- 키메라
- 타일런트 (T-002)
- B.O.W
- 바이오 하자드 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 다이제스트 2
- 브래드 빅커즈
< 레베카 챔버스 (R. Chambers) >
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 리처드 에이켄
- 에드워드 듀이
- 크로우
레베카 비밀 이야기 "악몽" Chapter 02
발생조건 : 레베카 비밀 이야기 "악몽" Chap 01 Rank A 나 S 로 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 엔리코 마리니
- 세르게이 우라지미르에게 보내는 서신
- 욘
< 알버트 웨스커(Albert Wesker) >
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 바이러스 메모
- 누군가가 남긴 수기
- 누군가에게 보낸 편지
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chapter 02
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 어느 가족의 사진
- 트레버 일가
- 리사 트레버
세번째 이야기
1998년 9월, 라쿤 시에 사람을 먹는 병이라는 기병이 집단으로 발생, 도시 기능이 완전히 붕괴되고 만다. 병의 확산을 막을 수조차 없었기에, 서서히 도시는 죽음과 좀비로 물들어 갔다.
엄브렐러는 특수부대를 생존자 구출을 위해 파견한다. 정부는 도시를 완전히 격리하고 사태를 지켜보기로 한다.
엄브렐러를 쫓아 질은 라쿤 시내에 남게 된다. 파멸은 계속해서 다가오고 있었다. 죽음의 그림자는 이미 그녀의 곁에 스며들어와 있었다.
발생일시 : 1998년 9월
관련 시나리오 : 바이오 하자드 3 (1999, Playstation)
< 질 발렌타인(Jill Valentine) / 카를로스 올리베이라(Carlos Oliveira) >
발생조건 : 저택(양관) 사건 Chap 03 클리어
획득 파일(6 files)
- 질의 일기
- 카를로스 올리베이라
- U.B.C.S
- 라쿤시티
- 신문 기자의 수첩
- 컨테이너에 남겨진 유언
발생조건 : 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(5 files)
- 그레이브 디거
- 리커
- 이비
- 라지 로치
- 감시원
발생조건 : 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(9 files)
- 작전 본부로부터의 FAX
- 네메시스 T형 (추적자)
- 바이오 하자드 3 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 3 다이제스트 2
- 베리 배튼
- 작전 보고서 (발췌)
- 라쿤 시경
- 서장 앞으로 온 메일
- 브라이언 아이언즈
< 에이다 웡 (Ada Wong) >
발생조건 : 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 Chap 03 Rank A 나 S 로 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 에이다 웡
- 바이오 하자드 2 다이제스트 1
- 바이오 하자드 2 다이제스트 2
- G
< 행크 (Hunk) >
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 행크
- 엄브렐러 특수 공작 부대
- 서장의 수기
네번째 이야기
라쿤 붕괴의 책임을 추궁 당해, 엄브렐러 주가는 폭락. 그러나 그들은 발버둥 쳤다.
일련의 책임을 정부로 돌리고, 돈으로 변호단을 사서 재판의 장기화를 노린다....운 좋게도 중요한 증거는 미사일이 전부 없애 주었다.
2003년 엄브렐러 러시아 지부는 새로운 B.O.W (생물 병기) 개발을 행하고 있었다. 그 활동을 세계의 분쟁 지역으로 넓힐 발판이다. 크리스와 질은 현지의 대 바이오 하자드 부대와 함께 악몽의 제조 공장을 탐지해내고 무모히 뛰어들었다. 그들은 아직 모른다. 최강의 신형 B.O.W. 테이로스의 실력을...
발생일시 : 2003년 2월
관련 시나리오 : 없음 - 새로운 시나리오
< 크리스 레디필드(Chris Redfield) / 질 발렌타인(Jill Valentine) >
발생조건 : 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "전생" Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 엄브렐러 러시아 지부
- 엄브렐러, 라쿤 재판
- 테이로스 계획
- 멸균 작전
발생조건 : 엄브렐러 종언 Chap 01 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 모의 전투 데이터
- 합동 라쿤 시경 장례식에서 연인이 읽은 리처드의 편지
- 레온 S 케네디
- 긴급 징집령
발생조건 : 엄브렐러 종언 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(3 files)
- 테이로스
- 세르게이 우라지미르
- Red Queen
< 알버트 웨스커(Albert Wesker) >
발생조건 : 엄브렐러 종언 Chap 02 클리어
획득 파일(4 files)
- 알버트 웨스커
- 이완
- U.M.F - 013
- 웨스커즈 리포트 '그녀'
웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chapter 02
- 웨스커 비밀 이야기 "어둠을 계승하는 자" Chap 01 클리어
- 에이다 웡 비밀 이야기 "빈사" Chapter 01 클리어
획득 파일(5 files)
- 세르게이가 니콜라이에게 보낸 서신
- 변형에 관한 특이성 웨스커의 수기
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- 오즈웰 E 스펜서
파일 획득 위치(영문)
A. 황도 특급 사건 - Train Derailment
Chapter 01
1. In the dining room, in a chair,
throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
2. In the dining room,
shoot the light bulb as you turn around to fight the leeches.
3. Shoot the light above the dogs the first time you face them,
it holds a file.
4. After killing the dogs and a zombie, once your near the stairs,
break open the shelf to your left. It holds a file.
5. Shoot the small light above the door before you enter.
6. In the pile of boxes blocking the door before
the QTE moment with the Stinger claw.
7. After running in the room from the leech man,
your character will look to his or her left.
The file is hidden above the green herb, top left.
Throw a grenade to make sure you don't miss it.
8. In the chair on the right while fighting the Stinger.
8 Files : *Memo on the Founding of Umbrella, Court order for transportation, Rebecca Chambers profile, Billly Coen profile,
cliptic Express notes, Raccoon Forest notes, Stinger notes, Leech notes*
Chapter 02
1. In the sewer like area near the beginning of the chapter.
When you turn around before heading up the ladder to fight zombies.
The file is in a light bulb on the left.
2. In one of the candles as you climb up the ladder,
near the double doors *with the armor* on the right.
3. As you look at the James Marcus portrait,
you will see two statues on the left and right on the top.
Break open the one on the right to obtain the file.
4. In the small lamp on the desk after entering the double doors
5. In small hallway when a leech man rushes you.
shoot the small bust behind him to obtain a file.
6. In a desk in the room with the small elevator.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
6 Files : *Memo about Billy's Past, James Marcus Profile, Mimicry Marcus Notes, Eliminator Notes,
Bat Notes, Infected Bat Notes*
Chapter 03
1. As soon as the chapter starts and a crawling zombie appears.
quickly shoot the large light on the right to obtain the file.
2. When your finished riding the large elevator (from RE2) zombies appear.
Shoot the light above(not the green light) to obtain a file.
3. After dropping the Queen Leech's first form,
when you enter the room with the elevator.
On your left will be boxes, the file is hidden in one of those.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
3 Files : *Queen Leech Notes, 0 Digest 1, 0 Digest 2*
A-1. 발단 - Beginnings
Chapter 01
1. In the cones near the train cart.
2. In the room with computer (when Wesker reconnects the power),
its in one of the computers.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
3. After reconnecting the power and riding up the elevator again.
When Wesker encounters zombies,
he runs to the other side and turns around to face them.
The file is in one of the lights high up on the left side.
3 Files : *Leech Growth Records, William Birkin Profile, Reclamation Project Notes*
Chapter 02
1. As soon as you start the chapter and kill some enemies.
Wesker begins to walk toward the double doors,
shoot the last light left for a file.
If you don't do it in time, he turns around and fights Eliminators.
When he is finished backing up,
quickly shoot the light( it will be on your right this time).
2. In the light above the door you enter outside.
3. In the sewer like area,
before the Ivan fight and before the zombie.
Shoot the light at the back for a file.
3 Files : *Regulations for the Trainees, Marcus's Diary 1, Zombie Notes*
B. 저택(양관) 사건 - Mansion Incident
Chapter 01
1. As you enter the dining room,
you'll see a vase on a counter.
The vase contains a first aid spray,
while the counter contains a file.
Throw a grenade just in case, the camera turns quickly.
2. In a vase on a table as you exit the dining room.
3. In the room with a lot of pictures.
The file is behind the picture next to the door,
with a light directly over it.
4. Behind the large painting,
before the QTE moment with a cerberus.
5. In one of the armor in the armor room on the left.
Throw a grenade just in case.
6. After leaving the armor room, dogs attack.
Shoot the counter on the right of them for a file
7. After killing Forest, dogs attack.
Shoot the lone light above them for a file.
8. After getting #7, you burst through a door and
a crow attacks.
Quickly shoot the vase on the right for a file.
9. This one is tricky. Before the Yawn fight,
you'll hear someone scream " Noooo!".
As you turn the corner you'll see two small figures
on the wall.
Quickly shoot the second one for the final file.
9 Files : *Keeper's Diary, Jill Valentine Profile, Chris Redfield Profile, Kenneth J. Sullivan Profile, Forest Speyer Profile,
S.T.A.R.S. Notes, Arklay Research Facility "Mansion" Notes, Cerberus Notes, Crimson Head Notes*
Chapter 02
*Note: this chapter requires two playthroughs*
1. After killing the dogs and entering the gate.
You'll see a light in the distance. shoot it to obtain a file.
2. In one of the Urns in front of the cave,
the one on the left.
Shoot it to obtain a file
3. After getting #2, you'll see two crow statues in the back.
Break open the one on the right to obtain a file.
4. After taking the right path in the caves.
When you turn the corner,
shoot the light bulb on the left to obtain a file.
Its basically above the small area with the typewriter
and some weapons.
5. When following the left path and entering the residence.
As soon as you turn the corner,
shoot the light above you to obtain a file.
6. As soon as you obtain #6 and reach the double doors.
As the door opens throw a grenade.
After killing the spiders, you'll turn around and see a file.
Its true location is in the coat rack.
7. As you reach the room with the ladder to go down.
After killing the surprise zombie and entering the room.
Shoot the lamp for a file. Or you can just throw a grenade.
7 Files : *Hunter Notes, Neptune Notes, Wasp Notes, Adder Notes, Plant 42 Notes, Web Spinner Notes, Black Tiger Notes*
Chapter 03
1. As you climb down the ladder and face two zombies.
Shoot the light above them to obtain a file.
2. As you enter the double doors after obtaining #1.
Break open the wooden crate in front of you for a file.
I believe you can get this file while returning to the elevator as well.
3. As you continue you will have a chance to use the move command.
Don't do it, you will instead continue down the hall.
As you near the corner throw a grenade.
You will find the file and a couple of other goodies.
4. In the computer in the room where you restart the power.
Blast it apart.
5. After turning on the power and your near the doors
to go back to the T-shaped hallway.
Quickly shoot the light above the door for a file.
6. Before entering the lab shoot the light above to obtain a file.
7. As you enter the lab you will see the side of a monitor on your right.
Shoot it to get a file.
I believe you can also get this as your leaving the lab as well.
8. As your heading back to the elevator to escape.
You will fight some chimeras and zombies in the tunnel.
Shoot the light below to obtain a file.
Hard to miss, it's the only light in the tunnel.
9. As you enter the hallway to the elevator going to the helipad.
Two hunters appear to attack, shoot the light above them for a file.
9 Files : * Wesker Report Extract on the Tyrant Plan, Mail to the chief of Security, Researcher's Letter, Chimera Notes,
Tyrant (T-002) Notes, B.O.W. Notes, Digest 1, Digest 2, Brand Vickers Profile*
B-1. 악몽 - Nightmare
Chapter 01
1. After leaving the room and killing the enemies.
Shoot the pile of stuff straight ahead for a file
2. When you are about to climb up the ladder from
the caves, shoot the light on the left for a file
3. As your walking towards the small elevator,
shoot the urns on the left side.
One of them contains a file.
3 Files : *Richard Aiken Profile, Edward Dewey Profile, Crow Notes*
Chapter 02
1. After entering the double doors after killing the hunters.
As you turn the corner shoot large picture on the left for a file
2. After Rebecca and Richard check the front doors for escape,
they turn around to face some bees and hunters.
Shoot the small picture on the right side for a file
3. When you're about to enter the double doors for the Yawn fight.
Shoot the picture straight ahead for the final file.
3 Files : *Enrico Marini Profile, Sealed Letter to Sergei Vladimir, Yawn Notes*
B-2. 전생 - Rebirth
Chapter 01
1. At the very start of the chapter.
Shoot the monitors in front of you, the right most one.
2. When the game give you a choice on whether
to go left or right, go left.
As you turn the corner enemies will attack,
throw a grenade to clean them out.
The file is in one of the lights,
if you threw the grenade in the right place,
it should appear.
If not, its in the light right next to the Assault Shotgun ammo.
On the right side.
3. In the same place as #2 in Mansion Incident 3.
However the crate quite hard to hit since Wesker runs fast towards the door.
Throw a grenade to make sure you don't miss it.
3 Files : *Virus Memo, Someone's Journal, A Letter to Someone*
Chapter 02
1. After fending off Lisa and exiting the armor room.
As you turn the corner a hunter attacks.
Quickly break open the desk to your right for a file.
2. After the checkpoint,
you'll enter a hallway where two hunters attack.
Shoot the large picture in the middle of the room for a file
3. In the picture room,
shoot the small picture next to the double doors on the right.
Has a light directly over it.
Or you can just throw a grenade to make sure you don't miss it.
3 Files : *Family Picture, Trevor Family Notes, Lisa Trevor Profile*
C. 라쿤시 괴멸 사건 - Raccoon's Destruction
Chapter 01
1. After you exit through the double doors, you face 3 zombies.
When you kill them, another three zombies show up.
Shoot the cones beneath their feet for a file,
can't miss it.
2. When you're in the area where the crows are perched on a tractor.
As you walk on the small bridge shoot the box in front of you next
to the door. It contains a file.
3.When the game gives you a choice on whether to move right or left, go left.
After climbing the ladder and running around the side of a car.
Shoot the car until it explodes, you'll kill the zombies and expose a file.
4. As you head down the area with the stairs.
When you near the 4th flight of stairs,
shoot the light beside the door for a file.
*Note: a there is a green herb and a hunter attacks you on this floor.*
5. On the bottom floor in the area with the stairs.
Shoot the fire extinguisher before you turn the corner,
it contains a file.
6. In the small pathway where many zombies attack.
As you head on side of a large truck, shoot the boxes on your right.
You'll obtain a file.
6 Files : *Jill's Dairy, Carlos Oliveira Profile, U.B.C.S. Notes, Raccoon City Notes, Reporter's Memo, Dario's Memo*
Chapter 02
1. In the light above the bathroom door you enter.
2. Break open the stall in the bathroom.
*Note: you can only break it open when the zombies appear from the stall*
3. When the roaches first appear, shoot the light above them for a file.
4. When two lickers appear down the hall,
you will have the option to enter the locker room.
Do it, when you turn the corner to face the zombies.
Shoot the objects on the bench for a file.
5. As you enter the area with the large stairs and roaches.
Shoot the small light in the corner of the room,
it contains a file.
5 Files : *Grave Digger Notes, Licker Notes, Ivy Notes, Large Roach Notes, Monitor Notes*
Chapter 03
1.In the small pot (with a plant) near the beginning of the chapter,
in the corner of the hallway before the first Nemesis appearance.
2. In the small light next to where you obtain a first aid spray.
3. When you're walking towards the stairs to the basement.
Shoot the desk with a statue on top for a file
4. In the light near the ground before entering the parking lot.
5. When you're entering the parking lot shoot the car in front of you.
When you near the car and turn to fight the dogs,
it will appear on your right.
6. In the large lamp in front of the R.P.D. building.
7. In the main hall, in the computer while fighting hunters.
8. After taking down Nemesis's Rocket Launcher and entering the room.
Shoot down the paper at the top of the wall, it contains a file.
9. In the green exit sign above the door leading to the boss fight.
9 Files : *Fax from the HQ, Nemesis T-Type (Pursuer) Notes, 3 Digest 1, 3 Digest 2,
Barry Burton Profile, Operation Report, R.P.D Notes, Mail to the Chief, Brian Irons Profile*
C-1. 빈사 - Death's Door
1. Shoot the small sign in front of the hotel for a file, on the right.
2. Behind the painting as you're entering the hotel.
Has a light directly over it.
3. In the green exit sign above the door and the first aid spray.
4. Before heading up the small ramp to the boss fight.
Quickly shoot open the small two barrels in the back.
If you can't do it in time,
you can still shoot them during the boss fight to get the file.
4 Files : *Ada Wong Profile, 2 Digest 1, Bio Hazard2 Digest 2, G Notes*
C-2. The 4th Survivor
1. After killing all the dogs, Hunk quickly turn around.
Quickly shoot the red exit sign above the door for a file.
2. Break open the desk under the green herb for a file.
3. The final file is located in a trash can beside the doors in the office.
Since many zombies are blocking it, I suggest throwing a grenade to get it
3 Files : *HUNK profile, Umbrella Special Forces, Chief's Diary*
D. 엄브렐러 종언 - Umbrella's End
Chapter 01
1. After killing some zombies and going up the stairs. Dogs appear,
shoot the small light above them for a file.
2. When the game gives you a choice whether to secure the stairs or go below.
Go belo, when you come to a pile of boxes with a green herb.
Break open the boxes for a file,
your character stares at the boxes for quite a while. Can't miss it.
3. When you are walking towards the stairs to the exit,
quickly shoot the boxes in the little space on the left.
They contain a file.
4. When Jill and Chris move because of becoming surrounded.
Shoot the two large wooden boxes. One of them contains a file
4 Files : *Umbrella Russian Branch Notes, Umbrella Raccoon City Judgement, Talos Project Proposal, Eradication Operation Notes*
Chapter 02
1. After leaving the decontamination room and entering the hallway.
Throw a grenade down the hall,
a file will appear.
The file's exact location is in the security camera.
On the top right of the Umbrella symbol on the floor.
2. You can't miss this one.
It appears when the lickers burst through the vents a second time.
3. In the water tank, choose to go right.
Once you enter the door quickly shoot the computer
monitors on your right.
One of them contains a file, they are quite hard to hit so I recommend a grenade throw.
4. In the small camera on the top left of the door after
leaving the laser room.
4 Files : *Simulated Battle Data, Richard Aiken's Letter, Leon S. Kennedy Profile, Emergency Orders*
Chapter 03
1. In a small computer in the computer room.
Throw a grenade to make sure you get it.
2. In the exploding barrel when a crimson head attacks.
*Note: The barrels don't exactly look like barrles. They are colored white.*
3. When you get to the maze like area follow this:
left, right, one way, right, one way, one way.
When you get to the weapon room,
the file is located in a small black box on the right
side of the room.
Or throw a grenade.
3 Files : *T-A.L.O.S. Notes, Sergei Vladimir Profile, Red Queen Notes*
D-1. 어둠을 계승하는 자 - Dark Legacy
Chapter 01
1. After killing the lickers,
Wesker turn around to face zombies.
Shoot down the chandelier in the back to reveal a file.
2. When you're fighting the bats.
Break open the bench in the back.
You can also get it when fighting the spiders.
3. As soon as the train starts.
Shoot the light on the right side for a file.
4. Shoot the small light giving off a red tint for a file.
Or just throw a grenade to get both 3 and 4.
4 Files : *Wesker Report Extract on "Her", Albert Wesker Profile, Ivan Notes, U.M.F.-013 Notes*
Chapter 02
1. As you enter the computer room,
shoot the monitors right in front of you for a file.
2. When Wesker turns left in the computer room.
Shoot the monitors on the left side for a file.
Or just throw a grenade.
3. As Wesker walks up the stairs.
Shoot the barrels on the small platform in the middle of the room for a file.
4. As soon as the checkpoint ends. Shoot the barrels down
below for a file.
You can also get it while fighting the lickers on the wall
5. When you enter the maze like area follow this:
forward, forward, left, forward, left.
When you enter the weapon room,
shoot the small box on the right end of the wall.
It reveals a file and a anti-tank gun
5 Files : *Letter from Sergei to Nicholai, Wesker's Notes on Differing Mutations, Sergei Monster Notes,
Online Interview with Anti-Umbrella Activist, Ozwell E. Spencer Profile*
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